Societies around Europe and the globe are tackling the ever increasing problem of fake news and disinformation. This ‘explosion’ of harmful and false information causes societal division and can erode trust in democracy and institutions. Independent media outlets are increasingly focusing on the importance of ‘fact-checking’, but are confronted with ever-shifting false claims. At the event “The Future of Fact-Checking members of industry and research – at the invitation of the Austrian Press Agency (APA) – met to exchange knowledge and information about the latest developments in fact-checking and forms of media literacy.
The University of Vienna as a partner of OMEDIALITERACY, was represented by Jakob-Moritz Eberl and Sebastian Sherrah. Project Members were able to connect with journalists, fact-checkers, researchers, and industry giants like Google and YouTube, and exchange ideas, thoughts, and developments in the field of media literacy, and share the aims and purpose of the OMEDIALITERACY project.
The University of Vienna was invited as part of an ongoing collaboration between the Austrian Press Agency (APA) and the university through the ANALYSIS project.
The Future of Fact-Checking: credit APA
Foto: APA-Fotoservice/Tanzer